One of the well-nigh common annoyances that people cite with Excel is dealing with how numbers and text are formatted in cells. Information technology's peculiarly annoying when numbers inadvertently get entered into a spreadsheet in text format.

When this happens, calculations and dissimilar formulas don't work quite right, or may non work at all.

In this article y'all'll learn how to place when a column or row of numbers are actually formatted equally text, and how to catechumen text to numbers so that they'll work in formulas and calculations over again. This is one of those basic Excel tips everyone should know.

Is Prison cell Data Text Or Numbers?

There are several ways you tin see if a number or set of numbers in a cavalcade or row is formatted as text in Excel.

The easiest way is to select the cell, select the Home card, and under the Number group in the ribbon, annotation the number format displayed in the dropdown box.

If the dropdown box displays "text", you know the cell is formatted as text format. If you want to perform numerical calculations on the cell using Excel formulas, you'll demand to convert information technology beginning.

In the case where someone has entered numbers in text format using the apostrophe in the cell, you'll see a small green triangle indicating the value has been entered as text.

Note: Preceding a prison cell entry with an apostrophe forces the cell formatting to text-based.

If you've discovered, using either of the approaches higher up, that the numerical data is entered into the Excel sheet in text format, you can use any of the methods below to convert that text to numbers.

1. Convert To Number

If y'all need to convert information that's been entered into Excel with an apostrophe, you tin hands catechumen it back to number format using the Convert to Number option.

i. First, select the cells you want to convert dorsum to number format. You will see a xanthous diamond appear near the pick with an exclamation symbol in the heart.

2. Select this symbol. From the dropdown, choose Convert to Number.

This volition update all of the text based numbers you've selected to the General numeric data format.

You'll know information technology worked when all the numbers in your choice switched from being left aligned to right aligned in the cells.

2. Using Text to Column

Another piece of cake way to convert text to numbers in Excel is by converting over an unabridged cavalcade of values at once. You lot tin can do this using the Text to Column characteristic.

1. Select the entire column of data that you want to convert from text to numbers.

two. Select Information from the menu, and and so select Text to Columns in the Data Tools section of the ribbon.

iii. In the Magician window, keep the default Delimited selected and select Next.

4. On the side by side Wizard page, keep the default Tab selected, and select Adjacent once again.

5. Finally, on the terminal page of the Wizard, brand sure Full general is selected nether Cavalcade data format. For the Destination field, you can either select a new column where you want the number information to go, or just go on the current selected column as is. Select End.

Now your data will all be converted to numeric values, which you can utilise in Excel formulas and calculations.

Annotation: You'll notice that the actual cell formatting doesn't alter from Text to General even though the values themselves tin can now be used as numbers. All the same, if you lot set your output column to a new column, you volition observe that the formatting of the new column is set to Full general. This is only a cosmetic issue and doesn't bear upon how the numbers in the "Text" formatted column deport.

3. Changing Cell Format

The easiest and fastest way to catechumen text to numbers in Excel is but changing the cell formatting from the Habitation menu.

To do this:

one. Select all of the cells you want to convert. You can select an unabridged cavalcade (don't include the header) if you want to convert all of the cells in a column.

ii. Select the Home menu, and in the Number group on the ribbon, select the dropdown box with Text in information technology.

3. You'll see a list of formats to choose from. Select General to catechumen to number format. Or you tin select Number, Currency, Accounting, or Percent if you want those specific number formats applied to your numerical data.

4. Using Paste Values

If y'all need to motion text cells that comprise numbers into a new cell or cavalcade, you can use the Paste Special feature.

one. Select the group of empty cells where you want to identify your output of numeric data. Select Format Cells from the popular-up menu.

two. In the window that opens, make sure General is selected as the number format and select OK.

iii. Select the entire cavalcade of cells you want to convert from text to numbers, right-click, and select Copy.

four. Select the beginning prison cell in the empty column you formatted, right-click the jail cell and select Paste Values. You'll run across all of the text formatted numbers pasted in the General number format.

This works because when y'all select Paste Values, it pastes only the values from the source cell and non the original cell formatting. Instead, information technology uses the destination prison cell formatting, which you configured in the beginning office of this process.

5. Using The VALUE Office

There is a special function in Excel that'll convert a number formatted as text into a numeric value. This is the VALUE function.

To use this function, select the cell where yous want the converted number to go and type:


Replace "G2" to a higher place with the cell that has the number you want to convert. If you're converting an entire column of numbers, first with the first cell merely.

Press Enter and you'll come across that the text-formatted number has been converted to a General-format number.

Y'all can then fill the residue of the empty column to the bottom of that column and the VALUE formula will convert the residuum of the cells in the original column equally well.

Later using whatsoever of these options for reformatting your numbers, yous may need to refresh cell information afterwards applying the new formatting.

As y'all can see, at that place are a number of ways to convert text to numbers in Excel. The option you choose just depends on where y'all're trying to place the output. It also depends whether you prefer using re-create and paste, Excel formulas, or menu options.

Ultimately, each of these choices provides you lot with the same end upshot.