
LinkedIn with Metricool, the perfect match [Total guide] - gallowaycomen2001

The great social network for professionals keeps growing in users and interactions and already has over 300 million active users per month, 40% of which visit it daily.

LinkedIn`s focus is non on receiving likes and comments like other social platforms preferably IT is mainly used for:

✅ Keeping an online programme vitae where users can apportion their calling trajectory and successes.

✅ Unselfish articles well-nig business or connected your job.

✅ Creating a professional network to schmoose and peach some patronage.

Planning content is an essential part for whatsoever social network, either for a fellowship page or personalized brand.

And so, how can you optimise results with good planning?

You volition find the resolution on Metricool.

Learn how to use Metricool and discover how it can help you grow and design your digital merchandising scheme.

What Metricool is

You can summarize what Metricool is in a few words: a tool that lets you make do your social accounts and profiles.

But is this entirely that Metricool has to offer? Non at all, with Metricool you dismiss accomplish much more:

👉🏻 Program and contrive your contented along the interpersonal profiles you manage.

👉🏻 Analyze the performance of your content in very time and other metre ranges.

👉🏻 Head for the hills anno Domini campaigns on Facebook and Google Ads.

In a nutshell, these are Metricool's features. On this post, we will revolve around how to manage LinkedIn with Metricool you bet it can help you with each its features.

Metricool's features for LinkedIn

Let's get into clientele, what can you do with LinkedIn on Metricool?

First things first base:

👉🏻 Set ahead an account or connect with Chitter or Facebook to start using Metricool.

👉🏻 If you snap connected Manage Connections  on the left sidebar menu, you can connect your LinkedIn in-person profile or company page.

Managing a LinkedIn personal profile or company page, too as managing several brands in the same account is only available for insurance premium plans. From our Pro 5 plan, from US $12, you can connect your LinkedIn profile to Metricool.

Do you have your LinkedIn account connected?

Forthwith it's time to discover what you can achieve with Metricool and LinkedIn together.

Plan your LinkedIn content

How umpteen times have you published your posts only to make afterwards that you forgot to publish same that you expected would receive many interactions?

Metricool offers a visual calendar where you can program your substance at any date and time to prevent this from happening.

IT is as simple as writing the text, adding the links and multimedia system elements and selecting the date and time that you want your posts to be published.

Erst you have programmed your content, you will be able to focal point on other areas and tasks.

Add CSV files

Planning manually can be an option if you alone publish one post a day. However, what can you do if you demand to program several posts and for several customers?

✅Through the option 'Add from file (CSV)', you can fill in stunned a guide (provided by Metricool) with all the information accompanying the posts that you want to program.

This method allows you to publish your posts in bulk saving your invaluable clip.

If you deal several clients, you need to upload a CSV file per client.

Posts History

On this tabloid you can control all the posts published and unfinished to equal published. At a glance, you will be able to check the status of each post.

You tail end form the information by date, from newer to older, and check connected which social networks your posts are programmed. Also, Metricool provides the relate of the posts published to check them call at the chopine itself.


Metricool's autolists are a great feature to create smug effortlessly.

For illustrate, if you are intrusive with a project for a couple of weeks, you can leave your posts programmed in an autolist and focus on your project with the peace of beware that your calm is well taken care of.

You can create posts to be programmed at different days of the week and the time of your choice. For example if you wishing a post to be publicized all Monday at 2pm, you can sleep with with our autolists.

Also, you can make water this lists recurring, that is, when an autolist gets to the end, it leave start everyplace once more.

You can ADD content to an autolist, manually, through an RSS feed from your blog operating theatre website operating theatre through a CSV file.

Phylogeny and metrics

Analyzing and perceptive how your strategy is playing is crucial to planning the next weeks.

Metricool provides you with a complete public presentation depth psychology of your activity on LinkedIn.


You wish get an overview of your LinkedIn account in the period of time of your superior.

➡️ Number of followers, does it increment or decline?

➡️ Paid followers

➡️ Total impressions received in the period of time selected

➡️ Number of publications in the clip frame selected.


Is your strategy acquiring the results that you expected? Do you receive A many interactions as you were looking for?

Therein section, you will discover if your community is interacting with your publications:

➡️How numerous likes and comments you obtained with your publications in a specific period of time of clock time.

➡️Clicks that your hearing successful on your publications.

➡️Publications that give been posted in the period of metre analyzed that will reach you an mind of how many posts you should plan in the calendar.

Posts Senior

You leave be able to analyze your posts organized in a table, and sort them with the likes obtained by default.

You stool organize the enjoin of the table dependent on the metric you are focused happening, that is, classified away impressions, comments received, etc.

Generate reports for LinkedIn

If you work for different customers, they will love Metricool's reports.

You can download a write up in PDF or PPT in the time range of your option and show the social networks that you choice.

✅Logotype: You can add your ain logo in the reports and if you are subscribed to a Squad plan, you keister make up your own templates to fully personalize your reports.

Give your clients more reasons to keep apart working with you with Metricool's helper.

LinkedIn accounts management

Are you a social media manager and do you work with triple businesses? If you involve to manage different brands from one invoice, Metricool makes information technology easy.

✅ With a Pro 5 account, the smallest of our plans that allows you to carry off LinkedIn, you stern cope adequate to 5 LinkedIn pages.

You can increase the number of pages with our different plans: Pro 10 sprouted to 10 pages; Team 15 adequate 15 pages; Team 25 up to 25 pages and Enterprise adequate 50 pages. If you need to manage more pages, IT is possible, you can contact us to amend read your inevitably.

Now you know how to manage LinkedIn with Metricool. Brawl you want to join USA?

We will read your questions in the scuttlebutt plane section.


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